It’s been a long time coming but everyone is noticing the longer days and warmer nights as we slip into the Summer sun and warm balmy days ahead. After covid we all need some respite so please take advantage of the better weather and get out in it.
But do remember to be sun smart and wear wider brimmed hats and no toxicity sunblock (avoid the common commercial brands that contain a wide range of toxic and potentially toxic chemicals). Ironically the Cancer Society version is one of the most toxic! It is far quicker to mention the brands that are best than the best ones to avoid.
Best brands from my initial research are the ones that contain no parabens and have an SPF of at least 30. If you have sensitive white skin, like me, you can go as high as SPF 50 if you are in sun during the heat of the day like trades people working outside a lot as well as those who work in office buildings and don’t get much sun, who are so much more likely to burn when over exposed at the weekends on the beach!
No sunblock is biochemically perfect if you want upwards of SPF 30+, but one of the common ones you can get in most Pharmacies or better Health Food Stores in the New Zealand-made “Oasis Sun” brand with the orange tube packaging. It has less of the nasties and is as organic as they can make it in New Zealand. If you can’t find it then “Jason’s” brand is one of the best out there as it is totally organic and has no nasties in it but has become harder to find in New Zealand as it is imported from the USA and shipping routes are not as busy or as regular as NZ retailers would like. They are having trouble getting enough stock in as with winter coming in the Northern Hemisphere production of sun blocks is dropping.
Good luck and remember the best protection is clothing and avoidance if you have had issues with skin cancers, like I have unfortunately. A good sunblock is a necessary back up these days, especially with kids over summer.
In these challenging times during Covid-19 and the coming post Covid-19 era, now more than ever we need to pay attention to our immune system. Medical authorities aren’t telling you what to do other than social distancing, washing your hands and (or not) wearing a face mask.
The reality is there is so much you can do to be proactive to strengthen common immune weaknesses in winter, ideally before the really cold weather hits. In an article of this size I can only cover the basics, we do way more in consults both online and face to face when lockdown level 2 is activated. I won't go into the politics of Covid-19 here; that’s for a face to face discussion!
It takes at least 2-6 weeks to fully elevate immune responses depending on your age, state of health and risk factors. All the research I’ve done shows there are specific nutrients and herbs that can help with immune activation and optimisation. Let's cover the basics here and if you want something more specific to you please contact us to be tested to find out what your missing, so we can get specific in your particular case.
In a nutshell the key areas to look at are:
All the medical advice above, is obvious, especially hand washing as is well publicised. Face masks especially if you have an infection, mainly to protect others.
Look at your diet, cutting out sugar and refined carbs as much as possible as they weaken the immune system and play havoc with your blood sugar levels adding to immune weakness.
Making sure you are sleeping well is crucial for active immunity aiming for 7-8 hours for adults more for teens and pre teens. If you’re not sleeping well contact us as we have options for you!
Increase your levels of vitamin C, D3, Zinc and vitamin A, especially so you can help prevent colds and flus before they circulate at school and in the workplace. Yes, your kids should be on these too!
These are the most potent and indispensable of all the supplements out there to help prevent as much as possible all viral infections; there are many others but it all depends on your budget and your ability to enhance immunity.
The testing we do in the clinic assesses if you have xenobiotic toxins, synthetic chemicals like sprays, insecticide, pesticides, solvents, heavy metals and parasites, not just viruses, bacteria, fungi or worms. These all help suppress immunity and with Phenolic Homeopathy, herbal medicines and specific supplements we can significantly reduce their impact helping your immunity recover.
Nearly every patient we test has significant xenobiotic loading that is not looked at by conventional medicine at all. This is what we do and is a rapid way to restore immunity back to health and vitality. These toxins add to co-morbidities and this is what makes the difference between surviving or not, with serious infections.
Most all the fatalities reported in the media with Covid-19 are with people who have other serious illnesses or who are aged and invariably on a plethora of pharmaceuticals that have their own side (main) effects.
We all know the benefits of vitamin C in helping shorten the length or duration of a colds and flus, and there is good evidence that Zinc & vitamin C combined will help prevent colds and flus and certainly shorten their length if taken regularly during the cooler winter months. I can recommend the better-absorbed products that will work more cost-effectively than many products available over the counter, usually at cheaper cost and easier to dose up to effective levels. The key is absorption, especially as we age.
With many formulas available you just don’t get the best absorption especially if you are already immune compromised or over 40. This is why Lypospheric C is best as it is very well absorbed and stays in the blood stream for longer, giving you better protection, but some brands taste disgusting and aren’t easy to use. I use several liquid forms as they taste much better are cheaper than sachet brands and stay active in the blood stream longer than straight vitamin C powders or tabs.
What isn’t being broadcast in the media is that IVC (Intra Venous Vitamin C) will actually eliminate most viruses on contact, as will ozone, but both are expensive to use and ideally should be given in a clinical setting. Many Integrated Doctors are now doing IVC but not Ozone – both are frowned upon by orthodoxy; I won’t go into the politics here but there is little money to be made by drug companies with either!
But what about vitamin D3? (Not D2 which has minimal immune benefit). This is a fat-soluble vitamin and takes weeks to get up to adequate levels in your system even with high dose supplements. As sunlight is reduced this time of year sunbathing for many in NZ isn’t an option as it gets too grey and cloudy in the winter months.
Vitamin D3 is just as important for immunity as vitamin C, some research shows it is even more important. We use either a liquid form or a spray form that is better absorbed faster. This needs to be a part of your armoury with viruses and bacterial infections of all types, not just Covid-19. Contact me if you want access to the better brands cheaper.
Vitamins C and D combined are brilliant at giving your system that kick it needs to help ward off immune infections of all types including Covid-19, but if you actually get Covid-19 then you do need to seek professional advice as several immune boosters can be detrimental if you get deep lung infections that can cause the “cytokine storm” where the immune system over reacts to the virus and can attack the lungs and all mucous membranes requiring expert medical help and often hospitalisation.
Do not keep taking immune stimulators if you get a bad chest infection without professional advice please! Vitamin C is the only exception to this.
What most people don’t know is vitamin D3 is a potent fat-soluble immune stimulator. You can only get small amounts from foods, larger doses from sunshine which is now becoming harder to get, and from supplements.
If you get sunlight safely over your body it takes at least 4-5 hours before the vitamin D produced in reaction to the sun in the dermal layers of the skin to fully absorb. If you shower within that 4-5 hours with body soap you wash all of the vitamin D produced on the skin down the plug hole! So best to wash with warm water only no soap that day of sun exposure, then wash with soap the next morning to allow the vitamin D produced in response to the sun to be properly absorbed.
Over-the-counter vitamin D3 is often poorly absorbed in tablet form and can be a waste of money. We use a new practitioner-only liquid form or a sublingual spray, which is easy for kids and the elderly to take, and has the best possible absorbency. It is best taken with meals that contain fat in it, like fish or nuts and seeds or flax, chia, or olive oil. I recommend at least 1,000iu daily for kids below age 10 and 2,000iu daily for those below age 14 or under 40kg. In adults up to 5,000iu daily in winter or more if over 90kg or you have immune compromise like a history of colds and flus in winter, or a diagnosed disease like diabetes, arthritis or cancer.
I can get a blood test done for you to find out your exact levels via Lab Test for under $50, the beginning of winter is the best time to get this done. If you want the best vitamin D3 for you contact me via text.
Vitamins C and Zinc are also potent immune builders and require only hours for vitamin C and a couple of weeks for Zinc to build up in your blood stream. This is more important for those with poor diets like teens and small kids as well as fussy eaters and anyone who has elevated work or home life stress levels.
I recommend the Metagenics Meta Zinc & Vitamin C powder which is easy to get into kids and can be added to water or smoothies or any liquid of your choice to boost the levels quickly and easily. If you don’t have a Metagenics account call me and I can set one up for you, it’s easy. Dose is children 4 to 8 years ¼ metric tsp 1 x daily in liquid or sprinkled on food of choice; Children 9 to 13 years ¼ metric tsp TWICE daily as above; Adults & kids over 14 ½ tsp 2 x daily as above, if you have an actual cold or flu or immune health issue you can safely double this dose.
Deficiencies of vitamin C & Zinc combined can increase susceptibility to colds and flus and impact the production of T & B lymphocyte production, and reduce the activity of the Thymus gland producing Thymosin that helps fight all infections in the body. So the importance of these nutrients can’t be over stated when it comes to immune health at this time of the year. Start dosing now and give yourself a head start!
Lastly Vitamin A is specific to protecting all mucous membranes, especially those in the chest, lungs and sinuses. To help prevent chest infections avoid heavy dairy products in your diet like cheeses and ice creams as they stimulate mucous production. Getting enough vitamin A from carrots and carrot juice as well as supplements is really helpful to combat this, best done professionally as you can overdose on preformed vitamin A, but not easily on beta carotene from carrots.
If you want more info or to place an order contact us now on 09 282 3588 or email subject line “help my immune system”. Texting me is always the fastest way to get me.
If you haven’t had a Winter Wellness Check up please book one in and I will assess you for your immune nutrients and give you a plan with foods and drinks that will help boost you up over the cooler winter months.
David is doing a Covid-19 special for $95 you will need to fill in a form and book this time, it only takes 45mins and can be done remotely.
Book Now or text to 0274 837 188 / or leave a message on 09 282 3588
David is doing a Covid-19 Consultation special for only $95. It only takes 45mins and can be done remotely.
To book now, text to 0274 837 188 or leave a message on 09 282 3588.
Senior Naturopath & Nutritional Biochemist
David has over 30 years of experience in Natural Medicine and Natural Therapies to help YOU! He trained in 3 countries spanning 12 years after training as a Scientist/Technician in Microbiology & BioChemistry with the National Health Institute in Wellington in the 1980’s.
I have mentioned in previous e-letters and blogs that boosting your natural immune system function is a key component of health and disease prevention, and this is particularly true during the winter flu season. School kids are often prone to these infections, being grouped together in class breathing the same air as other kids, many who are immune compromised already with a cold or flu! As recently discovered by researchers, once your Natural Killer (NK) cells, a specific type of White Blood Cell, reaches a certain threshold, which appears to be around 10 percent, you will not get the flu even if you're exposed to flu viruses. These NK cells can be boosted with a wide range of high vitamin & mineral & antioxidant containing foods, especially those listed below.
Augmenting your NK cell function also becomes increasingly important at either end of the human lifespan, as new borns, infants, school kids and the elderly are more prone to lower levels. NK cell levels tend to naturally decline with exposure to stress, and in those who don’t exercise, eat well or who have had repeated infections.
This is in large part why infants and seniors are more prone to influenza and other infections, because their levels of NK cells are lower than the adult population. NK cells play a very important role in cancer tumour prevention as well. So, in addition to optimising your natural immune system by boosting Vitamin & Mineral levels, consider eating more of the NK cell-boosting foods listed below. Doing so could go a long way toward avoiding colds, flus and other infections at this time of year. It is very important to give your school age kids a welcomed boost of these nutrients during the Winter season.
Zinc & Vitamin C are well known to help boost the immune system, and school age children are often low in both. Now they are available as a tasty powder. This delicious sprinkled on breakfast or in smoothies or shakes.
Call us about our specials on Naturopaths Own Daily C powder.
Vitamin D3 is very safe and hard to overdose on, and it as important than Vit C for preventing colds & flus. Optimising Vitamin D3 levels has received more publicity in recent years, and with the lack of sunlight in Winter this is an obvious area you can now easily boost, with pleasant tasting liquid forms to optimise your levels. A simple blood test can tell what your levels are, the ideal level for adults, according to naturopaths, is at least double the medically recommended level. Being fat soluble it takes at least a few weeks to get into your system, so rapidly absorbing forms are the best way to go. Ask for our suggestions on which are the better Vit D3 brands to get optimal absorption quickly and easily.
Pro & Prebiotics have an NK boosting effect and help improve gut health which is a large part of our immune systems capacity, so this is an important area not to overlook. School kids (and adults) with a sweet tooth or who like junk food snacks end up feeding and growing the wrong bacteria in our gut that erodes health & immunity. Boosting the good bacteria in our intestines with a pleasant tasting powder makes sense and really does give your immune system that much needed boost. Easy to use, sprinkle on breakfast or add to smoothies or shakes daily in winter. Even off the spoon is fine and easy for school kids! We have a special on a combination of both pro & prebiotics called Naturopaths Own Probiotic Immune Repair powder its easy to take and now cheaper than ever! Call us about our winter specials.
Echinacea & Garlic are also well known to help boost immunity, so adding these into your diet is going to help as well. Echincea is ideal as a herbal tea, let the bag steep for as long as possible and fresh garlic bulbs or paste in hot soups and stews is a great idea. Eating a sprig of parsley afterwards will nip the garlic breath in the bud.
Mums or Dads bring yourself in for a 30-min Wellness check at Half Price and bring 1 child in for FREE at the same time! I will do the Antioxidant scan on both of you, do your HAQ assessment as well as do an AK nutrient test on your child to assess their immune nutrients levels at this crucial time of year. That’s $75 of testing for your child for FREE! But only applies to appointments made and kept during the school holidays in July. Book NOW so you don’t miss out!
photo credit: donnierayjones Mommy and her Milly via photopin (license)
Yes its that time of year when Christmas and the New Year is a distant memory and when we look down – oops! Its time to set the wheels in motion to do a weight loss plan that will not only get rid of excess fat round your middle, and the upper thighs, but also a time to look at how we can make some permanent changes that will help us keep the weight off once we have got down to where we want to be.
In my 30 years of full time clinical practice I have used 3 main weight loss programs and all of them had issues, either expense, time consuming or just plain difficult. With the advent of Dr Michael Mosley’s “The 5:2 Fast Diet” all these issues go out the window! His plan is good, it works because it is based on science. As a science nerd I like that, as it is quantifiable, and we can prove it works with the VLA testing that I do as a part of my new 2020 Weight Loss Plan package.
This plan includes a copy of the book FREE as well as 3 sessions spaced out 2 weeks apart so over 6 weeks you see me 3 times – first session to do baseline Antioxidant testing and Thyroid testing to make sure this is OK. If it isn’t then we need to help restore your Thyroid back to normal correct physiological functioning.
In my experience over many years most GP’s completely miss low thyroids especially in women, as they depend on a simple blood test which doesn’t give all the info needed to accurately assess thyroid function. The thyroid is extra important in helping relay chemical messenger info from the pituitary gland deep in the brain to the ovaries. If the thyroid isn’t functioning properly, ideally at optimum, it will sabotage all efforts to lose weight. It is rather like a car wheel spinning in mud, lots of noise but no motion.
Balancing the thyroid isn’t that hard when you know what you are doing, but it can take a few months to get it right. This is an extra cost (mainly the supplements & herbs) that is not included in the special price offer we are giving you today. But as thyroid is SO important it is vital we tick that box or you won't lose the weight you want to. If you suffer from tiredness in the mornings, mood swings tending to depression, hard to lose weight and irritable and out of sorts that time of the month for the ladies then suspect thyroid and you will be correct almost all of the time.
So once we get the thyroid regulated then we put you on the Fast Diet where you limit your calories to 500 per day for just 2 days a week for Women and 600 per day for Men. These 2 low cal days as we call them need to be at least 2 days apart. This does 3 things; it trains your brain to accept smaller meals as a norm; it shrinks the stomach so you are satisfied with less on your normal eating days AND it sets you up for getting used to feeling lighter and less full. All of these help re-program your brain into accepting less calories on a regular basis which makes sticking to a healthier diet that much easier after you have finished the diet when you have reached your goal weight.
Age need not be a barrier to weight loss, my elderly mother (bless her she is no longer with us) went on the 5:2 Fast Diet when she was 85 and lost 8 kg in 8 weeks! So if she can do it anyone can. I have used this plan myself and with at least 50 patients in the last year with GREAT results! So I know it works which is why I am offering a money back guarantee!
During the second and third sessions I recheck the Thyroid scores, Antioxidant Scan to make sure you are eating the right foods and getting all your needed nutrients and I redo the VLA test. This accurately tells us exactly how much fat you have lost to 2 decimal places and it breaks down the numbers to fat and ATM muscle. ATM is one thing you don’t want to lose if you can avoid it as this is what keeps your fitness up and improves immunity. I talk you thru it so you get what is the best diet for you, your body type and your age and ethnicity as all of these need to be factored in. So as you can see it is not a one size fits all type plan.
This is one reason why it is so successful, so much so that I am offering a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!! If you pass a simple AK test that tells me if you have stuck to the plan and not cheated and in the unlikely event haven’t lost at least 5 kg then I will refund your money no further questions, but we will ask for the book back!
So what are you waiting for? Call 09 282 3588 or email and book your first weight loss session today before we sell out of the books or the offer expires at the end of this month.
We see if happen to friends and family every year and I have to ask “Why don’t people learn and do things differently next year?”.
What I am talking about is getting stressed out over Christmas, spending too much on gifts and regretting it, putting on too many extra kilos from over eating & drinking, having arguments with the in laws or the teen kids or grand kids, not being organised on how to do Christmas Day or New Year’s Day with the family or friends or generally taking on too much in preparation for the big days ahead.
Having been in the Wellness Sector now for nearly 30 years full time next year (yes we are having a BIG party to celebrate later in 2018, watch this space!) I know only too well how people go over the top and blow their budgets, or their waistlines at this crazy time of year in the Western Calendar.
I would strongly suggest people do 3 things to reduce stress and make life so much easier for Christmas and New Year Celebrations and the long hot summer days coming soon (we hope!):
1. Set a budget for Xmas expenditure and DON’T go over it! You can best achieve this by planning ahead and taking advantage of Xmas sales and if you do what I do, I give my son a voucher from me for a certain dollar value on Xmas day inside a real card (not an e-one) so that he can spend it on heavily discounted products on Boxing Day sales! He has done this the last 5 years now and had gotten some great bargains on his own accord. Smart!
2. For losing weight after the holidays have finished, you have 3 strategies that work but some of them might not work for you:
A) Either don’t eat or drink as much so you don’t put on so much weight over the celebrations anyway, OR
B) go for it then do the 5:2 Fast Diet approach and practise intermittent fasting for 2 days a week after the hols and you can lose easily 1kg a week for as long or as short as you want till your target weight is met. OR
C) you can crash and burn and pick up the pieces when its back to work and the summer break is a long distant memory. Your choice which one or any combination of the above.
3. Plan ahead! Make lists of what gifts you want to give and when just a card will suffice or an e-card (many are free on line these days, but the nicer ones you have to pay $1-2 for so they are still very cheap). You know the old cliché “If you fail to plan you are planning to fail” and this is so true for expenditure over the Xmas hols.
We are doing a weight loss special that really works early next year that includes the 5:2 Diet book which is brilliant as part of the deal, more on that later in our January 2018 newsletter. . . This approach is much easier for people of any age to do successfully.
As we age we gain fat and lose muscle a lot more easily so we have to work a lot harder at losing those extra kilos we have gained and the smart ones put strategies in place to pace themselves and not put on as much weight as they would otherwise do anyway!
So I hope this helps and have a great pre-Xmas season and don’t blow the budget or the waistline too much please!
Happy Silly Season
David 😊
Holden HealthCare is offering a Silly Season Wellness Check Special over Xmas.
Call us on (09) 282 3588 for more details.
By David Holden, Senior Naturopath & Biochemist, specialising in Naturopathic Oncology
As the stats show, 1 in 9 Women will develop some form of breast cancer in their lifetimes. Breast Cancer is now the most common Cancer of all time on planet Earth. In New Zealand, 3,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.
One of the many reasons is that breast tissue being mainly comprised of fat, stores toxic chemicals that we are exposed to on a regular basis, especially if you live in a large city. If you live in a rural area where chemical sprays are being used, like most of rural New Zealand; then your risk is even higher! What can we do to prevent developing breast cancer?
This is the $64M dollar question and the answer is – heaps!
Cleaning up your diet, getting regular cardiovascular exercise, having a good mindset and taking specific supplements all make a huge difference to a Woman’s risk profile. If you have a close family relative (mother or grandmother, aunt or sister) who has had a scrape with any type of breast cancer then you are at increased risk.
If you want to decrease your risk of breast cancer then take action and change your lifestyle and get regular check-ups by qualified health professionals who know what to look for. Many breast cancers leave a tell-tale dimpling (or orange-skin) effect on the surface of the breast or a discolouration that health professionals are trained to detect. Have a look at this:
Stop eating all forms of sugar on a regular basis, odd treats for birthdays and Christmas & Easter are fine, it’s what you do every day that makes all the difference. Cancer cells thrive on sugar so the less you eat the lower your risk.
Cut out soy in your diet as one of the most aggressive types of breast cancer, ER+ve (Estrogen Receptor positive) breast cancer, thrives on phyto & xeno estrogens found in soy products in high quantities and chemicals in some processed foods and food packaging.
Eat a lot more high antioxidant rich foods in your daily diet. These include carrots, beetroot, all types of leafy greens, garlic, turmeric, ginger and the best of the lot is organic blackcurrants & blueberries. Being organic is important as berries have a high surface area that traps a lot of chemical sprays so never buy them unless you know they are organic or you wash them very thoroughly before eating with warm water and let them soak for 5 minutes to help lift off any spray residues. At HHC we do a specific Antioxidant Laser Scan test in our clinic with ALL new patients to make sure their levels are optimal, elevated and high. If not we educate them on what to do to increase them circulating in your blood stream. See Super Smoothie recipes on our website.
Eat more broccoli and especially broccoli sprouts several times weekly as these are shown to help decrease breast cancer risk.
Reduce your alcohol consumption. Alcohol is strongly linked to increased risk of all cancers not just breast cancer. Especially avoid binge drinking.
Don’t smoke anything! Tobacco or weed, both are toxic to the lungs and eventually the breast tissue.
The research shows that if a Woman does 40 mins of Cardiovascular exercise DAILY her breast cancer risk is reduced by 40%!! This is a huge % and should be discussed with every Woman who is ever at risk or diagnosed. The reason is the exercise pumps the breast tissue up and down pumping built up toxins out of the breast, reducing toxic residues by flushing them out of breast tissues by the bodies amazing lymphatic system.
Get fit quicker with less effort by using HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) as promoted by the now world famous Dr Michael Mosley, the BBC World doctor. Watch this YouTube video for more info from the man himself.
Ancient Chinese Tai Chi or Chi Gung is also a wonderful way to exercise unwind and relax while exercising very gently. Even the over 80’s can do this easily so there is no excuse.
Mindfulness or having a peaceful response to stresses is vital to reduce cortisol release from the adrenal glands that feeds cancer cells to grow and divide. Learning how to meditate and to let things go that bother you is a vital life skill.
Please visit and take their FREE 5 day meditation course sent to your email inbox daily over 5 days to learn how to do this easily & regularly.
Take a regular dose of Vitamin C to neutralise cancer cell formation and to help detox your system from chemical exposure on a daily basis. The new Lypospheric Vitamin C is by far the best but good quality Daily C powder is a close second. See our webstore for both.
In winter take Vitamin D3 supplements as this is one of the best nutrient life insurance policies and is one of the most powerful immune boosting vitamins you can take.
Take a quality Women’s Multi-Vitamin like Metagenics Femme Essentials to ensure your immune system has all it needs to be very active and alert.
There are others you can take but these need professional advice and prescription as a lot of people take what they don’t actually need. Get scientific testing done to find out what you do actually need in the way of supplements and which ones you should avoid.
Avoid the contraceptive pill over age 40 if at all possible. Maybe ask your partner to have a reversible vasectomy so you can still have unprotected sex, if you have a regular sex partner, and not be at risk of a “geriatric pregnancy”. Or look at an IUD instead of the pill.
Avoid HRT wherever possible as it increases all types of female cancer risk significantly.
Avoid wearing underwire bras all the time. Breast tissue is designed to bounce to pump the lymphatics that clear toxins out of the ducts in breast tissue. Using a sports bra is another option when exercising as these compress the breast rather than stopping it from moving when exercising like an underwire bra does. Go bra less after work and at weekends for a change.
Stop using anti-perspirants that contain aluminium. Most commercial brands have at least 30% aluminium in them to make them dry on the surface of the skin quickly. Read the label on yours now, you may be surprised! When you exercise or it’s a hot summers day your pores open and the aluminium goes straight into the breast tissue which is very close to the armpit. Aluminium blocks the breast ducts and can allow build-up of toxins in the breast tissue, creating fertile ground for breast cancer to develop. Use herbal deodorants instead.
Regular breast self-massage and self-examination especially around ovulation is a smart move. Many breast cancers are picked up by aware Women who examine themselves regularly. Get to know the shape and texture of your breasts and what is your normal. Then abnormalities stand out more easily and you can go to your doctor and ask for a professional breast examination and if necessary early tests.
Mammograms are controversial in some circles as some people believe that when the breast is compressed during a mammogram the breast ducts are squeezed and this can make some cells burst – so if they have an early stage cancer it can be spread. Further research is needed but as the cancer industry has so much invested in early detection and mammograms it is unlikely that the authorities and the Ministry of Health will ever admit to this but alternatives do exist called breast thermograms. These detect minute changes in breast tissue temperature using an infra-red camera. The theory being cancer cells are hotter than normal cells and will show up as red hot spots on the thermogram. Ultra sound is another safe way to detect changes in breast tissue. As women age their breast tissue changes and loses its elasticity as well as increasing the chance of breast cancers to form with increasing build-up of cellular toxins from our environment, both inner and outer.
Stay within 10% of your ideal BMI (Body Mass Index). If you are overweight lose it with the 5:2 Fast Diet as it really works. For more information, watch another YouTube video by Dr Michael Mosley.
Doing regular annual detoxes in Spring or Autumn is a smart move especially if you have increased risk or are over 50.
Remember early detection is ALWAYS best regardless of how you treat breast cancer once it has been detected. All these lifestyle improvements above will certainly give you more peace of mind knowing that you are doing all you can to improve your chances of not getting diagnosed and if you do, of beating it naturally and more easily and with less medical interventions. After all who wants to have their breasts removed or to be exposed to toxic radio or chemotherapy if you don’t need to?
If breast cancer is caused by build up of toxins and stress - as the evidence shows - then it makes perfect sense to avoid and manage these factors. In short, try to live as naturally as possible. By living as Nature intended, you will not only have more energy and wellbeing, you may find you live a happier and more contented life.
If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, support and help is available. See here for further information.
David Holden has authored numerous articles on holistic health, wellness & wellbeing over the decades since he started practise nearly 30 years ago and specialising in naturopathic oncology since 1997. Blending the best of both medical and naturopathic / alternative medicine has always been the goal with both sides offering their own strengths when it comes to cancer diagnosis and treatments. Getting to causes as well as symptoms has always been the clinical goal. To this end David works with a range of hand picked professionals, all with different and dovetailing skill sets to help achieve the clinical goals of getting and keeping cancer patients well wherever possible. Natural is always better and keeping medical interventions to a minimum unless absolutely necessary is the aim.
Senior Naturopath David Holden offers ten things to think about if you have been diagnosed with cancer.
This list is not exhaustive but is a good start! For help or any questions please contact us
By David Holden, Senior Naturopath & BioChemist
specialising in Naturopathic Oncology
That’s the stats and it needs to change, and the reality is you are the only one that can make your own stats change. Lifestyle Medicine is the science behind lifestyle and how it affects your health and the impact it makes on it. Diet, exercise, relaxation, mindfulness, meditation, attitude all make an enormous difference on gene expression and whether you will get what your parents had. These are all areas your GP has had little training in as a rule. Naturopaths & Health Coaches do extensive training in all these areas and know well their impact on health stats and outcomes.
This Blue September for Prostate Cancer awareness do something about your risk and get tested via a simple PSA blood test and prostate exam if you are over 50 and especially if you have a family history of a father or grandfather or uncle who had or has prostate cancer. If you have a partner with a risk profile in the immediate family then ask him to get tested, it could save his life!
In the early stages BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) or swelling of the prostate gland can be helped a lot with Lifestyle Medicine. Usual symptoms are the dribbles when peeing, having to get up at night to pee urgently, reduced urinary flow and /or pain or discomfort in the prostate area & sexual issues. This condition isn’t life threatening but it is a bloody nuisance and can make many Men’s lives a misery, especially at night and can play havoc with their sex lives.
Here at HHC we use advanced testing and scientific analysis to accurately assess your lifestyle and its impact on your health & wellness. If you show elevated risk we can teach you how to reduce it significantly. It really is a case of getting things early and acting sooner than later to get the best results with your health short, medium & longer term. Think of your health as your best investment. Without it, saving for retirement is, frankly, futile if you won’t live long enough or aren’t well enough to enjoy it. You spend money on your vehicle and toys so spend on you and reap the benefits.
Book you or your male partners Prostate Month Blue September Wellness Check-up this month and save over $125! It may be the best investment in your health you ever made!
BOOK NOW call 09 282 3588 or email us
This is a Health Issue we should ALL be concerned about especially in Prostate Cancer Blue Month.
As a health aware male Health Practitioner, I see way too often men who finally come in for a Wellness Checkup when they have been sitting on a major health issue for far too long. Unfortunately, it has reached the stage where it is already hugely impacting their quality of life. Only due to pressure from their wife, partner, sister or daughter, do men agree to seeking help, IF they finally listen.
Men can be fastidious about maintaining their vehicles and homes though ironically, they ignore their most important asset – their health! Without good health, all the money in the bank is worth little if you are unable to be around to enjoy it with family and friends.
I have had many very wealthy Men come and see me after a serious health diagnosis, offering me vast sums of money if I can cure them and take their health problems away with a magic bullet. In some cases, I have to tell them I can’t because they have left things too late! It takes 10-20 years for the body to develop most cancers and advanced CVD (Heart disease). If men received regular health checks much can be done during these years to change the course of your health history for the better.
Like investments, car, and house maintenance your body and mind need constant attention as you get older. Please give your dad and/or partner a nudge if he hasn’t been for a checkup for over a year, especially if he is over 50. Small issues can develop into big ones when we avoid addressing them. Most health issues can be dealt with quickly if caught early.
Does your Father or Partner identify with the following?
If the answer is yes, now is your chance to show him some love and shout him a heavily discounted Wellness Check up with someone who knows what to look for. I see advanced cases of Prostate Cancer / CVD / and /Diabetes every day of the clinic week. Addressing these early is ALWAYS best.
Minor health issues like snoring, beer belly, that disgusting rash or itch that doesn’t go away, smelly farts, poor eating habits and excessive coffee, energy drinks or alcohol consumption all can develop into serious health issues if not nipped in the bud early.
Women who are still mostly in the role of primary caretakers for infants and toddlers naturally extend this to themselves as part of their feminine nature. Health statistics are evidence of this. Mothers visit health practitioners with their children more frequently than fathers do. Women are in the habit of nipping things in the bud and dealing with them by getting professional advice far more quickly than men are. This is one major reason why women outlive men according to Worldwide Statistics. Women are used to taking care of themselves and others more. They are more interested in preventative health care which is what Alternative & Complementary Medicine is ALL about. Alternative medicine encourage Nutrition, Lifestyle changes, Mindfulness, Herbs and Supplements instead of drugs wherever possible.
Changing the culture for male health is going to be a generational thing. “Metrosexual” and Gay men are far more health aware these days and there are a lot more treatment options than there have ever been. Doctor, Naturopath, Herbalist, Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Osteopath, Massage Therapist, who do I go to for what and when?? It is great to see more younger men not only taking an active interest in their cars and sports but also their health, vitality, skin care and grooming. This is a positive sign of future trends which we should all encourage.
We would like to offer you this great opportunity to purchase a Wellness Check-up for our $99 special (saves over $100!) is a smart way to be proactive with your health.
You will be able to identify the following:
In all cases prevention is way better than cure so encourage the men in your life to get checked out. Statistics indicate people most likely to read this article are Female!
Our $99 Wellness Check up Special with Senior Health Practitioner David Holden includes:
This testing and discussion takes a full 60 minutes and is one of the best gifts you can give your Dad / Father / Husband / Brother – the gift of Health!
A printed out report with recommendations is given as a part of this Wellness Check up.
If you would like to take advantage of this exclusive offer then please call our office manager Jax Nicholls and make a time slot – this genuine discounted offer is for bookings made in September only! Save over $100!!
Email or call 09 282 3588 NOW!
Real Wealth = Good Health – without Health, Wealth is nothing!
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Senior naturopath David Holden talks about the Holden HealthCare clinic, and exciting new team members!
Come and see us at our smart new clinic at the Samsung Building, 24 The Warehouse Way, Northcote Business Centre, just off the Northern Motorway.