By Dr. Deven P Sharma, MD, MD (AM), FCMA, FRSPH, FCLM.
A new study by researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine has found regular moderate exercise also has anti-inflammatory benefits. They have found that a 20-minute session of moderate exercise can stimulate the immune system which then produces anti-inflammatory cellular response. This has encouraging implications for chronic diseases like arthritis, fibromyalgia and more pervasive conditions such as obesity.
The research stated that the anti-inflammatory benefits of exercise have been known to researchers, but finding out how that process happens is key to safely maximising those benefits. Inflammation is an important part of the body’s immune response to injuries, foreign invaders and damaged tissue; however chronic inflammation can lead to serious health issues related to diabetes, celiac disease, obesity and other conditions. The study shows that exercise does not need to be intense to have anti-inflammatory effects - just 20 minutes of moderate exercise including fast-paced walking appears to be sufficient.
This is an important new finding, as feeling like a workout needs to be particularly intense or a long duration may have been off-putting for those who suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases, who particularly benefit from exercise. However, it should be noted that patients with chronic inflammatory disease should always consult with their physician concerning their treatment plan. But knowing that exercise can provide these benefits is an important consideration. Needless to say a very cheap form of natural anti-inflammatories!
For a tailored natural programme to help with chronic inflammation, book an appointment to visit Dr. Deven by calling (09) 282 3588.
Reference : Perspectives in Public Health – May 2017-Vol 137-No3 ; Royal Society for Public Health, London E1 8AN , England.