David Holden ND, MS (USA), Dip.BioChem, Specialist Naturopath and Nutritional Biochemist, presents the results of 30 years of clinical practice and research. He tells you what is happening in the health field, what are the latest developments, and how to achieve optimal states of wellness, vitality, youth and beauty.
This 2-hour presentation – with refreshment breaks – will fill you in on what you need to know to keep yourself and your family healthy and happy. This includes the best ways to protect yourself from coronaviruses and flus, not by buying a mask, but by building up your immune system so it works at its best.
What you will find out
What you need to know about DIET to improve your Wellness, Immunity & Energy levels. What the Nutritional Science says. Handouts given.
What you need to know about smart EXERCISE to improve your Wellness, Immunity & Energy levels. Which exercises are best and how you can get more benefit with less time. The benefits of HIIT and how to do it in less than 7 mins. The benefits of smart Yoga in less than 7 minutes. What the science says. Handouts given.
What you need to know about Mindfulness and how it has been proven to lengthen your telomeres and increase your lifespan (Bruce Lipton DVD clip). How to practice Mindfulness in less than 7 mins. What the science says.
What the best Beauty therapy devices are (world leaders) and how you can use them in the comfort of your own home!
What the BEST products are to improve your Longevity, Immunity and slow down the Ageing process. Learn how to increase your telomere length, and stimulate your Stem Cells and increase their quantity and quality. What the science says.
How to protect yourself from coronaviruses, flus, low energy, by boosting your immune system.
Learn how to prevent cancer, one of the globe’s fastest growing epidemics, and avoid becoming a statistic!
Plus practical experiences
Find out your Antioxidant Score for $20 (usually $30) using the Pharmanex S3 Antioxidant scanner developed by Stanford University, and learn why its score is so important.
See in action two of the most advanced home Beauty Therapy devices and how well they work!
Find out what a VLA (Vitality-Longevity-AntiAgeing) test is and what it can tell you about your health quickly and accurately.
Learn what your blood can reveal when examined using the Hemaview Live Blood Cell Analyser.
Discover the power of the QXCI/CSIO biofeedback scanner and what it can tell about your real health and wellness issues, and what you need to detox to get the immune system function and energy levels you deserve.
Benefit from networking with one of NZ’s Top Holistic Health Practitioners and gain access to learn more . . .
Dates, venues and booking
All talks start at 7.00pm and finish at 9.00pm with mini breaks every hour with pure water, herbal teas & display tables.
All existing patients of David’s can get FREE entry if you bring a paying friend or family member, others $20 pre-paid (book below) or $25 at the door cash or EFTPOS available.
All venues have close, easy free parking! Car pool with friends!
“I would like to share my 30-plus years of research and clinical experience in natural healthcare, to cut through the noise, and highlight what is evidence-based and what I have found to be effective.”
David Holden
Senior Naturopath & Nutritional Biochemist
Queenstown, Tues 10th March
Nadi Wellness Centre, Level 2/50 Stanley St, Queenstown
Legal Medical Disclaimer: Information and statements made on this website and all our associated literature are for educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. David Holden & Holden Health Care do not dispense medical advice, prescribe restricted medicines, or diagnose disease. If you have a medical condition, we recommend that you consult your physician of choice.