Phone: (0274) 837 188
Open: Tues-Fri 10am-6pm
Phone: (0274) 837 188
Open: Tues-Fri 10am-6pm

Hyperthermia Therapy at Home

Revolutionary therapy technology that you can safely use in the comfort of your own home

What is hyperthermia?

Hyperthermia is a therapy which has been used since the early 1970s. In this therapy the warming of a specific site or the whole body is achieved with the use of microwaves, radio waves, ultrasound or infrared waves.

There are many doctors and clinics all around the world who utilise hyperthermia in their practice. Commonly hyperthermia is used in the treatment of cancer, however several clinics also successfully implement its use in autoimmune diseases and general wellbeing.

The whole body hyperthermia mainly activates the immune system. During the therapy the patient lies horizontally in a heating dome with their head out to prevent overheating of the brain. The heat of the dome is adjusted upon the reaction of each individual. Within 1-3 hours (this varies from person to person) the core body temperature gets increased up to about 39.5 C, which stimulates a natural fever. This fever activates the immune system and causes an increase in the number and activity of natural cells, T-helper cells and cytotoxic T-cells.
Buy Hyperthermia Dome Now

Bringing Hyperthermia to your home

Hyperthermia combines so many beneficial factors all into one treatment; that it should not be only available to the rich and those who can travel to German clinics. We have invested a lot of into product development and training to make it accessible to you in your home.

The sauna dome is a state of the art portal sauna for one. The double-dome construction is perfect for home use, day spas, medical facilities or anyone with limited space.

The True Wave II heaters are the only combination Carbon and Ceramic far infrared heater. The carbon allows the True Wave II heaters to produce long wave far infrared heat. The long infrared wave will penetrate deeper into the body and provide the body the benefits an individual is looking for.

We offer a Fee Funders plan for you to spread your payments conveniently. Contact us for further details.

Health conditions that benefit from Hyperthermia Therapy at Home

  • Increases white blood cell count
  • Flags cancer cells with heat shock proteins 
  • Flags bacteria, viruses and fungi with heat shock proteins
  • Kills cancer cells 
  • Kills infected cells
  • Kills bacteria, viruses, fungi and moulds
  • Detoxifies heavy metals and xeno-oestrogens
Hyperthermia is one of the most effective treatments to boost your immune system, to oxygenate the whole body, to flag your floating cancer stem cells and pathogens with heat shock proteins and to increase your white blood cell count. It is your bodies natural defence against disease.
Buy Hyperthermia Dome Now

Get your Infra-Red Portable Hyperthermia Dome now!

High-quality hemp-covered dome with True Wave II Carbon-Ceramic InfraRed heaters, which will allow you to perform self-treatments safely and comfortably. (Full instructions and contraindications provided)

We have Fee Funders options for spreading payment. Contact us for further details.

Clinic Address

87 Knights Road
Rothesay Bay
Auckland 0630
New Zealand

(0274) 837 188 - Please SMS as we are not always available to take your call.



Legal Medical Disclaimer: Information and statements made on this website and all our associated literature are for educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. David Holden & Holden Health Care do not dispense medical advice, prescribe restricted medicines, or diagnose disease. If you have a medical condition, we recommend that you consult your physician of choice.
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