Phone: (0274) 837 188
Open: Tues-Fri 10am-6pm
Phone: (0274) 837 188
Open: Tues-Fri 10am-6pm

Your Health in Good Hands

Holden HealthCare is one of New Zealand's leading holistic health clinics.



Every member of our team has qualifications and expertise in a wide range of modalities so they can tailor the best fit for your needs.


Our clinic researches and uses the latest in health assessment and treatment technology. Not only are they non-intrusive and highly sophisticated, they enable you to measure your progress objectively.


Our core team has been supporting our clients for many decades, with substantial experience dealing with cancer and other seriously-ill patients. Every member takes an integrated and holistic approach by offering a range of safe and effective solutions to treat the whole person - on physical, energetic, and psychological levels.


Our practitioners are motivated by the desire to help others through their individual modalities, through empathy for the suffering, and through care for society and the environment. They have advised the government, lectured in colleges, educated the public, and served on professional health organisations.

Our Programs

Holden HealthCare is unique in offering cutting-edge assessment technology; evidence-based diets, herbs and supplements; homeopathy and energy healing; deep psychological tools; and healing modalities based on Chinese Traditional Medicine.

Super Wellness Programs

Excellent health is achievable through suitable diet, exercise, lifestyle and psychological management. Holden HealthCare offers comprehensive, holistic approaches to health for those who seriously want to be proactive to full maturity.

Cancer Support Programs

David Holden and his highly qualified health team have developed significant resources to naturally help cancer patients with personalised support programs to dovetail with medical oncology treatments, for best possible outcomes.

Serious Illness Programs

If you are undergoing medical treatment for serious illness, you need to independently support your healing process using evidence-based natural methods. This is the premise of Integrative Medicine, the next level of 21st century healthcare.
We have Fee Funders options for spreading payment of selected packages and equipment. Contact us for further details.

Talk to us!

Have a free no-obligation 10-minute conversation with David Holden, our Senior Naturopath. He will explain what is on offer, and help you decide whether Holden HealthCare is right for your needs.

Our Team

Holden HealthCare has a team of highly-trained and experienced professionals with dovetailing skill sets to ensure the best possible outcomes for you.

David Holden

Specialist Naturopath
Nutritional Biochemist
Find out more

Marianne Stobie

marianne stobie naturopath
Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, QBF Practitioner
By appointment only at her home clinic
Find out more

What our clients say about us

Working in health, we sometimes have inspiring results, as a result of the dedicated collaboration between our team and our clients. Of course, results vary, and no promises are made; but the journey is often life-changing.
  • I have been under David Holden’s care for just over one year now with fantastic results...With 2020 being a huge year worldwide on top of normal life, I am ecstatic with my results and the support I have received from David. My energy levels are normal, my sleep is great, I know how to read my body and what to do if things are heading in the wrong direction. I thoroughly recommend David and have done so, with family and friends now also seeing him. I am so grateful now and thankful to David, at my age I have no health concerns and am on no prescription meds, I feel empowered to read and respond to my body. That to me is success 😊
    Barb Stark
    EFT Practitioner
  • I am 5 years down the track now since my dire prognosis… I thought I’d be pushing up daisies pretty smartly; and I’m doing really, really well with the ongoing support of David. I’ve got the best team on board, and with that, I’m feeling great. You’ve got to do everything possible to stay alive, and positive thinking is a huge, huge part of it. My oncologist says everything I’m doing with David, keep doing it, because it's working. He’s astonished: the last scan...showed there’s no increase in fluid, my breathing is great, and he just said its remarkable how well I’m doing. I know that at times my body needs the chemo, but the support of complementary health is fantastic – and I’m the healthiest of anybody I know, I think!
    Diagnosed with mesothelioma (lung cancer) in 2012
  • The doctors were telling us there is no cure for what I’ve got. Early in the process I felt that there had to be a more natural way of dealing with my cancer, so we did a bit of searching on the Net, and found you, and made an appointment to come and see you...I had a scan six or eight weeks ago that showed no progression of my cancer, which I think is a pretty good sign considering I’m doing no other treatments than the natural way. I’m not symptom free, but I certainly feel I’m in a better position right now having not done some of the other more aggressive therapies.
    Diagnosed with Stage 3 prostate cancer in January 2017
  • I feel confident in recommending Susanne. The things Susanne was able to say to me was not only 100% accurate but extremely helpful towards my healing. For example, she was able to locate and help aleviate pain I had from broken ribs from a recent car accident and helped a lot with some nutritional advice. I have had several distance healings and feel heard, cared for and comforted, not to mention physically healed.Susanne is a gifted healer and I highly recommend her if you are looking for some help in holistic healing.
  • I have known Marion Stobie for four years. I initially met her when we invited her to become part of my husband’s cancer treatment plan. More recently I have begun working alongside Marion myself to restore my own health, now that my husband is cancer free...Marion is first and foremost a lovely person. She’s kind, caring and supportive; this is especially important in what can be a significant journey and commitment towards achieving the results you are looking for. ..It is without hesitation that I give this testimonial and recommend Marion to anyone who is serious about making a significant change to their well-being.
  • Our 5-year-old son was diagnosed with Autism. After a thorough consultation and careful monitoring with Michelle and the introduction of Homeopathy, we have witnessed amazing improvements in our son’s development on so many levels; from improved sleep patterns, eye contact (which was previously absent), gross and fine motor skills and social skills. His behaviour has drastically improved; more responsive, obedient and can follow instructions...I’ll never forget the feeling when my son called me “MUM” for the first time ever! It is clear to see that our son has progressed 100% compared to his fellow autistic peers whom he has socialised with for the past 18 months.
    A. & E. Utterly

Latest blog posts

June 10, 2024
The shocking rise of Turbo-Charged Cancers (Part 2)

Investigating Turbo-Cancers linked to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine and uncovering 7 bioweapon mechanisms. Learn how to detox and deactivate them.

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May 2, 2024
The shocking rise of Turbo-Charged Cancers (Part 1)

Discover the evidence linking turbo-charged cancers to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines and learn how to prevent them. Find out more!

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November 16, 2022
Tips for Hay fever and Pollen Allergies

Marion Stobie PhD, Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, explains the root causes of allergies and hay fever, and offers diet, supplement and lifestyle tips.

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Clinic Address

87 Knights Road
Rothesay Bay
Auckland 0630
New Zealand

(0274) 837 188 - Please SMS as we are not always available to take your call.



Legal Medical Disclaimer: Information and statements made on this website and all our associated literature are for educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. David Holden & Holden Health Care do not dispense medical advice, prescribe restricted medicines, or diagnose disease. If you have a medical condition, we recommend that you consult your physician of choice.
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