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Open: Tues-Fri 10am-6pm
Phone: (0274) 837 188
Open: Tues-Fri 10am-6pm
Written by Admin on January 26, 2017

January 2017 HCC News Video

In this first of a series of informational videos, senior naturopath David Holden talks about the exciting new developments in Holden HealthCare, including new premises, new team members, and new products!

New premises

Holden HealthCare is moving into new premises soon, perhaps in Takapuna or Albany. It will have double the space and more facilities for clients and practitioners. We will let you know as soon as we have firmed up the location.

New team members

Hans Vermuelen is joining us soon! He does physiotherapy, remedial/deep soft tissue/sports massage, and craniosacral therapy. He is an amazing bodyworker and has extensively explored the relationship between the physical and the mind, and how that affects one’s overall health.

Elaine Bracefield is a nutritionist and biochemist who is also a Genomic Wellness Consultant. She offers genetic testing to uncover the missing pieces behind why you may be struggling with your weight, energy levels and other important aspects of your health.

New products

Check out our new range of Biomats at the website

We also have an exciting range of PXP products made from amazing purple rice, and the 7.2 range of high-quality organic supplements.


For further information, and to book an appointment, contact our Office Manager Jax Nicholls on (09) 282 3588 or email us.

Article written by Admin

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