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Phone: (0274) 837 188
Open: Tues-Fri 10am-6pm
August 11, 2020
Staying well in a Covid-19 world

It is one thing to contract Covid-19 and treat it, and our emotional reaction to Covid-19 in March 2020 in NZ may be different from our reaction in August 2020 (so, it’s 5 months already and Covid is still amongst us? Really?). The whole issue is clearly not in the same category as a passing […]

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May 8, 2020
The importance of gut health in Covid-19

By Marion Stobie, Naturopath & Medical Herbalist It has been acknowledged for some time that 70-80% of the immune system is in the gut. One class of tissues that the immune system has is called sampling tissues. One of the jobs of these tissues is to understand what the body is being exposed to, both […]

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May 8, 2020
The vital importance of winter wellness & immune strengthening in Covid-19

by David Holden, Naturopath & Nutritional Biochemist In these challenging times during Covid-19 and the coming post Covid-19 era, now more than ever we need to pay attention to our immune system. Medical authorities aren’t telling you what to do other than social distancing, washing your hands and (or not) wearing a face mask. The […]

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February 3, 2020
What you can do to naturally protect yourself from coronavirus

Coronavirus 2019-nCoV – an action plan PLEASE NOTE: This advice is for people who are reasonably healthy and have not been diagnosed with coronavirus 2019-nCoV. IF YOU EXPERIENCE SYMPTOMS, CONSULT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL IMMEDIATELY. What is coronavirus 2019-nCoV? It is a relatively newly discovered respiratory virus found in the nose, throat and lungs, believed to […]

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December 16, 2019
How to stay stress-free this Christmas

Holiday Fun – & Flubs So excited for the holidays! So often we hear this and say this at this time of year. We New Zealanders have all our goodies at once – Christmas and New Year celebrations, time off work, and long, hot summer days to relax. This all can be eagerly anticipated, and […]

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November 13, 2018
Looking after your Liver Health in Springtime

Liver health in Spring In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the seasons are each associated with a particular organ system, and the Liver is the organ of Spring.  We tend to feel quieter and less active during the winter months but with the arrival of spring we should begin to feel re-energised and more alive. Healthy liver […]

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June 28, 2018
How to Boost your Natural Immune System to avoid Colds & Flus

Give your kids and family the protection you need this winter How to Boost your Natural Immune System to avoid Colds & Flus I have mentioned in previous e-letters and blogs that boosting your natural immune system function is a key component of health and disease prevention, and this is particularly true during the winter […]

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March 5, 2018
The Weight is Over! How to lose 5kg of fat in 6 weeks

By David Holden, Naturopath & BioChemist Yes its that time of year when Christmas and the New Year is a distant memory and when we look down – oops! Its time to set the wheels in motion to do a weight loss plan that will not only get rid of excess fat round your middle, […]

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February 1, 2018
Making the most of time off work! (Aka, take the foot off the pedal & relax)

Aah, the holidays –  after Christmas & New Year, some of us have enjoyed Auckland Anniversary weekend, and those of us in New Zealand have Waitangi Day off to look forward to on 6th February. Even if we don’t go away on holiday, we can still enjoy a “staycation”. It is a good opportunity to […]

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November 10, 2017
DNA Genetic Profile Testing with Marion Stobie

I am proud to announce I now qualified to perform DNA Genetic Profile Testing! This is a cutting-edge science that can reveal a lot about your potential health and future well-being. What are my chances of developing Heart Disease? What is my caffeine tolerance? Do I have the “Fatty” or “Anxiety” gene and what flips […]

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